by Liz Baker | 16 Oct, 2020 | Regular Events
Stepping Out is a Community Cancer Rehabilitation Group based in Bridport. The overarching aim of the Group is to help participants with their recovery, during and after their cancer diagnosis, by the provision of a group exercise and well-being Scheme. To access the...
by Liz Baker | 20 Apr, 2020 | Regular Events, News, Upcoming Events
Please click below for Newsletter 19 which was sent out on 8 April 2020. Living Tree NEWSLETTER19April20FINAL
by Liz Baker | 17 Mar, 2020 | Regular Events, News, Upcoming Events
As a team, we have come to the decision that it is in the best interest of our members and the wider community to stop all upcoming events for the foreseeable future. Whilst we are saddened that we can not go ahead with our planned events, our priority is always the...
by Liz Baker | 16 Jan, 2020 | Other Activities, Regular Events, News, Upcoming Events
To receive a list of current Living Tree events and activities, please use the contact form and request the latest newsletter.
by Liz Baker | 7 Jan, 2020 | Other Activities, Regular Events
IMPORTANT UPDATE 17/03/2020: Due to the coronavirus outbreak, and current government guidelines on social distancing, we have come to the decision that it is in the best interest of our members and the wider community to stop all upcoming events for the foreseeable...
by Liz Baker | 26 Jul, 2018 | Regular Events
Every Friday 2.00-4.30pm Bridport Quaker Meeting House, South Street. July 27 July – Art with Libby; therapist to be arranged August: 3rd – 1pm Rising Voices with Jane, 2pm NHS 70th birthday BIG7Tea in the garden of the Meeting House for DCH cancer appeal 10th –...