Therapists Partnership

How it works for Living Tree Members

The Living Tree has a Partnership scheme with local complementary therapists who are able to offer their services at a special rate to Living Tree members. The list of participating therapists can be found below and on our printed listings available at our Friday afternoon meetings in The Friends Meeting House.

The use of a therapist on the Partnership list will be treated in confidence and only known by the Therapist, the member using their service and the Living Tree Partnership Link officer. Only the Living Tree member and their partner/carer will be eligible to use this Partnership arrangement. Any children of a member seeking therapy will be signposted to the appropriate statutory services.

Living Tree members who wish to use the services of any of the therapists on our list will be issued with a ‘6 free sessions’ card. This will entitle the holder to 6 free sessions of a therapy of their choosing. All 6 sessions may be with one therapist or may be used with up to 6 different therapists. After a therapy is given, the Therapist will sign and date the member’s card and send an invoice to The Living Tree Partnership officer for reimbursement.

When the member has received 6 therapy sessions and their card is full, they are asked to return the card to the Partnership Link officer and will have to meet the costs of further therapies themselves. The Card will show the date of issue and the member is asked to use that card within 6 months. In exceptional circumstances, the trustees may consider the need for further support and use their discretion to issue another 6-session card.

How to use the card

Step 1: Contact the Living Tree Therapist Partnership Link officer in confidence for a ‘6 free sessions’ card to be issued to you. The card will show your name, the date of issue and expiry.

Step 2: Contact the Therapist you have chosen from the list found on the Living Tree website or on the printed pages and make a booking.

Step 3: Take the card with you to each therapy session you attend and ask the therapist to stamp or sign and date your card.

Step 4: When your card is full, please return it to the Living Tree Therapist Partnership Link officer.

The therapists in Partnership with The Living Tree listed below are able to offer their services in person, face to face or by telephone, email or Zoom, as appropriate.  If you feel you would like to use these therapists via the Therapist Partnership please contact our LTTP Co-ordinator Ann Jeffrey via for more information.


Julia Williams

Julia Williams

Massage, reflexology, Tripudio

Julia is a natural health therapist, movement specialist and tutor with 20 years’ experience in health care.

Specialising in complementary therapies and utilizing a range of massage techniques and reflexology, Julia tailors her treatments to her client’s needs. She offers:

  • Aromatherapy massage with lymphatic massage.
  • M technique, gentle holistic manual therapy.
  • Reflexology, and Reflex lymph drainage (RLD.)
  • Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) for lymphoedema.
  • Holistic massage with fascia work for tension.
  • Scar treatment post-surgery alone or in combination.
  • Deep Oscillation for lymphoedema, scar work, injury etc.
  • Tripudio movement.
Marie Carty

Marie Carty

Tai Chi & Qi Gong

Marie Carty is a qualified Tai Chi and Qigong teacher affiliated to the International Golden Flower School lead by her Masters San Gee Tam and his wife Annukka.  She was born in Belgium and came to this country to become a professional ballet dancer and musical actress.  Movement and music in art has influenced her entire life and in her classes, Marie encourages to move naturally towards radiant health through simple exercises and the sequence of The Form that encourage balance and suppleness.  She adds the exploration of self-cultivation through meditations, encouraging inner peace and enhanced health, managing realities and challenges of society towards the discovery of one’s own true self.

“The teacher leads you to the gate, but only you can pass through it” is an ancient Taoist expression. Indeed, when adventure comes, it is an invitation to open the way to what is new, an invitation to going on a journey towards priceless treasures.

Karen Forrester-Jones

Karen Forrester-Jones

Tripudio Movement Instructor

Karen is currently offering Tripudio classes as well as one to one sessions.

Tripudio is movement with a focus on the fluid systems of the body, including the lymphatic system and the cardiovascular system. Principles from manual lymphatic drainage massage are combined with fascia (connective tissue) release techniques and translated into movements.

Tripudio classes start and finish with a specifically designed warm-up and cool-down sequence that follows the protocol of manual lymphatic drainage and focuses on balance. The rest of the class is a combination of connective tissue stretching, non-weight bearing gentle strengthening and low impact aerobic dances set to music. Exercise is gentle to avoid fatigue and overexertion of the venous system.

The class can be taken standing or seated. Tripudio is therefore ideally suited to mixed levels of fitness and everyone can work to his or her own ability.

Alison Ayshford-Harris

Alison Ayshford-Harris


My reiki journey began in January 1999, I passed reiki 1 and 2 and became a fully qualified master/teacher in July 2000.
Reiki is a Japanese gentle form of healing, addressing physical, emotional and mental blocks. It is a hands-on treatment where
you remain fully clothed. Every treatment aims to bring harmony strength relaxation and an overall sense of peace. A treatment lasts for an hour and aims for you to become fully relaxed,
this can either be in your own home or in my garden studio in Axminster.

Melanie Philip

Melanie Philip

Bowen Therapy/Energy Healing, Movement Therapist, Holistic and therapeutic End-of-life companion, Tension Trauma and Release, Hatha Yoga/Chair Yoga

Melanie lives in Charmouth with her Son and has been in practice as a holistic therapist for 17 years, she offers treatments twice a week in Axminster and Dorchester.

Bowen Therapy/Energy Healing is a non-invasive Light touch therapy.

She is also a Movement Medicine Teacher offering freestyle dance classes in groups and one-to-one.

Sue Howse

Sue Howse


Sue Howse is accredited by the UK Teachers Network as a Mindfulness Teacher. She is a BACP accredited psychotherapist and has a Certificate (Bangor University) in Teacher-training & Mindfulness.

She is currently offering Group Mindfulness at The Living Tree Friday Drop in, Bridport every other Friday afternoon.

She also offers Mindfulness focused support on a one to one basis.