When I had my lumpectomy plus level 2 clearance of lymph nodes under one arm, I finished up with a very raggedy, tight feeling scar which I am now told may be contributing to my lymphoedema.

None of the doctors ever said that it was very important to work on the scar tissue. Weeks later when I sought out a complementary therapist she advised me to rub in a healing oil as soon as it was safe and comfortable to do so.

I have been applying various mixtures (initially very gently, now I apply more pressure to help soften the tissue), for example rosehip oil (which I mix with other oils to make it smell more pleasant), lavender oil is also supposed to help heal, but I was warned not to put undiluted essential oils on my skin, a carrier oil is needed.

Having started late with this type of self massage, it has taken months to soften up the tissue but I feel that I’m finally making some progress.