Move Dance Feel Online sessions resumed on 12th April, for a further 10 weeks of provision, until 18th June. Dance sessions happen on:
Monday Evenings 6pm – 7.15pm
Friday Mornings 10am – 11.15am
Approx 50 minutes of dance activity followed by an optional social. The dance sessions are for all women affected by cancer – pre, during or post treatment – and also for those supporting someone with cancer (inc. cancer care staff) or bereaved by cancer. No prior dance experience is necessary.
Please find attached a flyer containing further information. If you are able to share the jpeg version via any social media channels that’d be great help – enabling us to reach more women in need. @movedancefeel on instagram, facebook and twitter.
In addition, please find attached a wordcloud detailing all of the reflective words participants contributed in response to our online sessions between January and March. ‘Fluid joy’ was central – the larger the word the more times it was said or repeated. We danced with over 200 women!
March marked the end of a 6 month evaluation period, where we sought to measure the efficacy of Move Dance Feel Online. Although we are still data processing, the results appear to be brilliant – both quantitatively and qualitatively. Thanks to a small grant from the London Mayors Office we intend to ‘package up’ the results into 2 infographics and 2 short films, which we shall share with you in June.
Lastly, I thought to mention that April 2021 marks 5 years of Move Dance Feel! (founded in 2016 in East London) Due to the current social distancing restrictions we have abandoned the idea of a celebration event…but nevertheless are taking time to reflect on what we have achieved to date, and thank (you) the people and organisations who have supported us so far. In 5 years we have:
Danced with over 700 women, plus 300 friends and family members
Worked in partnership with 4 cancer support centres
Conducted 4 evaluation studies
Presented findings at 27 national and international events
Become a community interest company
Made 5 films (check out our short documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZZR4P76C-E)
Trained 10 dance artists
Worked alongside 16 cancer care professionals
Developed an online programme
As always, if you have any questions please get in touch.
Best wishes,
Emily and the Move Dance Feel team
Move Dance Feel
Community Interest Company
‘It makes me feel the absolute joy of being alive!’
– Participant