LIVING TREE NEWS 8 4 June 2019
This is a busy time and there is much going on – thank you all for your work and support of The Living Tree and its associated events! We are very grateful to the Mayor of Bridport, Barry Irvine, who has chosen The Living Tree as one of his charities for the new civic year. Thanks also to Bridport Rotary Club for their generous donation. There is an Extraordinary General Meeting of The Living Tree to approve our accounts at 3pm on Friday 21 June at our weekly meeting. Please also see the important notice at the end of this newsletter about changes in the way The Living Tree runs its partnership with therapists.
THURSDAY 6 JUNE 7.00pm at Highlands End. A free introduction to paddle boarding has kindly been offered by Sara Bennett from Bay Paddle Boarding. Contact Living Tree if interested: 07341 916976 or
BOOK REVIEWERS We want to let you know about the Macmillan Cancer Voices Scheme. As part of the scheme Macmillan offers Cancer Voices members newly released books about any cancer-related topic, who, in return for receiving the book free of charge, write a book review for Macmillan. Jo O’Farrell did this regularly as a way of building The Living Tree library.
The MINDFULNESS AND COMPASSION practice sessions with Susan Howse (accredited mindfulness teacher & psychotherapist) are going well. They take place before Living Tree meetings every other Friday now with the earlier starting time of 12.45 – 1.45pm: next sessions are: 7 JUNE, 21 JUNE, 5 JULY, 19 JULY. All welcome – once the session begins it is not possible to welcome latecomers. Please also remember to turn off phones before coming in.
11 JUNE & 19 JUNE DORSET AREA OF OUTSTANDING NATURAL BEAUTY (AONB) Stepping into Nature events. This is a series of events which promote well-being in nature and encourage creativity both outdoors and indoors. The pace is slow with rest stops for discussion and brief, stimulating writing exercises. Workshops or walks will take place in the Weymouth area on 11 June & 19 June. Tickets and detailed information are available by emailing Sarah at or through Eventbrite at:
WRITING WORKSHOP for Living Tree members with Sarah Cooper
WEDNESDAY 10 JULY from 10 – 4pm at Sarah Cooper’s house in Milton Abbas, near Dorchester – car sharing can be arranged. Lunch is included. Both events free to Living Tree members. Places are limited so please contact Chris for full details and to reserve your place at or leave a message on The Living Tree phone 07341 916976.
The Living Tree will have a presence at a number of community events this summer: Bridport Food Festival 15 JUNE; Bridport Folk Festival 27 JUNE; Living Tree stall at a Volunteering event on 11 JULY 12 – 2.00pm & 3.30 – 5.30pm at the Literary and Scientific Institute, East Street, Bridport, DT6 3JX; West Bay Days 4 AUGUST; Melplash Show 22 AUGUST; Living Tree and Stepping Out are planning a joint entry for the Bridport Carnival on 17 AUGUST this year; and 28 SEPTEMBER Bridport Charter Fair in Bucky Doo Square and Bridport Arts Centre. We’re looking for volunteers to help. People can write their names in LT “volunteer list” book at Friday meetings, let Jennifer Gould or other committee members know or email Roz is also looking for bric-a-brac items to sell on her stall in Buckydoo Square on Saturday 3 AUGUST (all proceeds to LT & SO). Contact Roz 01308 422650.
Living Tree weekly meetings take place on Fridays with different speakers and therapists as listed below. Drop in any time between 2pm and 4.30pm at Friends Meeting House, 95 South Street, Bridport DT6 3NZ. To volunteer or for information or queries about events contact 07341 916976 or
12.45 Mindfulness and Compassion with Sue Howse.
2pm Tripudio. 2.15pm Peter Cove talking about old postcards. 3.15 – 4.15pm Worry busting with Louise Wender.
2pm Tripudio. 2.15 Chrissie from Beau Hairdressing Bridport talking about hair care, special services and wig treatments.
12.45 Mindfulness and Compassion with Sue Howse.
2pm Tripudio. 2.15 Paul Duffy will be talking about hypnotherapy. 3.00pm EGM to approve Living Tree Accounts. 3.15pm Rising Voices with Jane. 2.30 – 4.00pm Therapy session Peter Cove offering Swedish Massage for hands & feet (please check beforehand if you have Lymphoedema or lymph nodes removed).
2pm Tripudio. 2.15 Social afternoon. 2.30 – 4.00pm Therapy Session: Anne Escott offering foot massage.
12.45 Mindfulness and Compassion with Sue Howse.
2pm Tripudio. 2.15 an afternoon of poems and poetry with Arra Lindemann plus getting to create your own to share with friends and loved ones. 3.15 – 4.15pm Therapy session– Worry Busting with Louise Wender.
2pm Tripudio. 2.15pm Wendy Lowis-Bates talking on gemstones and how she got into jewellery making, then we can all make a simple pair of ear-rings. Plus Karen Jones will be on hand to show you how to make an simple origami gift box to put them in. 2.30 – 4pm Therapy session to be confirmed.
12.45 Mindfulness and Compassion with Sue Howse.
2pm Tripudio. 2.15pm Social afternoon. 2.30pm Jenny Malone available to do 1-to-1 short Homeopathy assessments. 3.15pm Rising Voices with Jane.
2.30-4pm Therapy session – Peter Cove offering Swedish Massage for hands & feet (please check beforehand if you have Lymphoedema or lymph nodes removed).
2pm Tripudio. 2.15 Art with Libby. 2.30-4pm Therapy- Anne Escott offering Foot Massage.
12.45 Mindfulness and Compassion with Sue Howse.
2pm Tripudio. 2.15 speaker to be confirmed. 3.15-4.15pm Therapy session– Worry Busting with Louise Wender.
2pm Tripudio. 2.15pm Ricky Romain plays sitar and talks about the healing quality of Indian Classical Music. 2.30 – 4pm – Therapy session to be confirmed.
SPLASH Club meets 7-8pm every Tuesday at Highlands End pool, you can bring one guest for £1 & transport can be arranged. The sauna and steam room are available for warming up. Information available from Paul 01308 488700.
TABLE TENNIS on Mondays 9.30 – 11am at Salway Ash – lifts available from Bridport. Thursdays 12.00 – 13.30 at Bridport Leisure Centre. Contact Paul on 01308 488700 if interested.
THE LIVING TREE AMBLERS usually meet twice a month for a walk of around 2-5 miles in Bridport and the surrounding countryside. It is an opportunity to take some gentle exercise in the fresh air, enjoy our beautiful surroundings, make new friends and share the experience with other Living Tree members. The walks vary from very easy to moderate difficulty and often involve some short, steep sections, both up and down, climbing over stiles and negotiating muddy, wet, rough ground. Suitable clothing, footwear and hiking poles highly recommended (Rita has a few spare poles which can be borrowed). We have a refreshment break along the way or after the walk.
Trew Fields is a groundbreaking cancer awareness & holistic health event taking place in Dunsfold, Surrey It is weekend of talks, workshops, music and play, which brings together world renowned health professionals, researchers, wellbeing experts and those living well with and beyond cancer all set on a beautiful farm in the Surrey countryside.
11 JULY CONNECTING WITH YOUR COMMUNITY: A VOLUNTEERING EVENT 12.00 – 2.00pm and 3.30 – 5.30pm at the Literary and Scientific Institute, East Street, Bridport, DT6 3JX. An event for anyone thinking of becoming a volunteer to find out more about volunteering opportunities.
24 JULY 6.00 – 8.00pm ESSENCE LINGERIE, 3 Barrack Street, Bridport DT6 3LX Good Fit, Bad Fit event. All proceeds to the Living Tree.
GUIDED MEDITATION Thursdays 11 – 12.30 in Charmouth
With Wendy Lowis Bates £5.00 per session with fresh mint tea. Contact
SING & STROLL Tuesdays at 1.30pm Walking and singing in the great outdoors. Free of charge and open to all. For information or to reserve a space contact Peter on 07817 397331 or email:
GO GIRLS based at Dorset County Hospital
Cancer support group for women with gynaecological cancers offering advice, support, friendship and hugs – Contact by email: at or facebook
Drop in on alternate Mondays 2 – 4pm either Axminster or Lyme Regis. For more information 07512 279663
C’SIDERS WEYMOUTH & PORTLAND CANCER GROUP, meet on the 1st & 3rd Monday of the month (excluding Bank holidays) between 7.30pm-9pm in the Function room of the Wyke Smugglers Pub, 76 Portland Road,
Weymouth DT4 9AB. Website:,
e-mail:, Contact telephone no: 07430 695462
BUTTERFLIES CANCER GROUP Dorchester weekly meetings now on Wednesdays at the new Community Church Hall at Liscombe St, Poundbury, DT1 3DF, next to the new Damers Primary School. Check the website for times and events
Look Good Feel Better run a service at Dorset County Hospital in Dorchester. These sessions are available to LT female members as long as they have not been before and are within a year of their diagnosis. The Booking line number for the Dorchester service is 01305 255509.
The Living Tree Trustees are currently applying to the Charity Commission to register The Living Tree as a charity. As part of that process, we are having to change the way our partnership with local therapists will work. As from 1 June 2019, the current system, whereby members can receive subsidised treatments from therapists on our Partnership list, will come to an end. After this date, members will need to pay the full cost of any therapy they take from our Partnership until our new system is in place.
A new Living Tree Therapist Partnership is being created and we hope that in the next few weeks, we shall have an updated list of therapists for you to choose from. Living Tree members wishing to use a therapist through our Partnership will be issued with a ‘Therapist Partnership card’ which will entitle you to six free sessions with a therapist or therapists (you can use the card for six sessions with the same therapist or with up to six different therapists). The six sessions must be taken within a six month period. The cost of those sessions will be met by the Living Tree. The Therapist will send their invoice to us for reimbursement. When the card has been used up and/or expired, members will have to meet the full cost of any therapies themselves.
We are asking for your forbearance while we process the necessary paperwork and hope the new arrangement will be up and ready to use within the next few weeks. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please speak to Rita or Jo.