The trustees would like to extend the Telephone Support Service to include one to one, face to face contacts for anyone who feels they would like some company occasionally, especially those who may just be coming out of isolation/quarantine or who may be new to LT. These ‘meet ups’ would be socially distanced and outside for now to make them as safe as possible. If you would like to volunteer to be such a contact or would like to meet up with somebody from Living Tree, please email Rosemary with your phone number at thelivingtreedorset@gmail.com or phone and leave a message on 07341 916976 with your name and phone number and we will get back to you.7 AUGUST 11.00AM. WORRY BUSTING with Louise Wender
Worry Busting Zoom session next Friday 7 August at the earlier time of 11am. Please email louise@louisewender.co.uk no later than Wednesday 5th to let me know that you want to join, and so that I can send you the Zoom link. I look forward to seeing you there, warmly, Louise.DORSET DIGITAL HOTLINE – a new advice line has been established because we are all relying much more on online technology to keep in touch (like Zoom). It is available to provide support for people with IT and digital problems of all kinds. Some of their most popular topics are how to set up video to stay in contact with friends and family and how to get online for beginners. Telephone 01305 221000 (option 2).15 NOVEMBER CHARITY AUCTION
The next Living Tree CHARITY AUCTION will now be on 15 November 2020 at The Ropemakers in aid of Weldmar Hospice. For this event contact Roz Copson on 01308 422650 with items to donate.
The most up to date national information on COVID-19 is: gov.uk/coronavirus and for health information NHS.uk/coronavirus.
PATHWAYS TO CARE Hopeful Hampers & Good Neighbours Transport. Good Neighbours are offering transport for LT members to Dorset County Hospital for essential appointments. Phone and leave a message on the Good Books answerphone 01308 420483 and someone will call you back.
If you have concerns about medical issues concerning your cancer or treatment Macmillan has a number of useful resources and virtual support https://www.macmillan.org.uk/coronavirus. Please note that any urgent issues should still be referred to your Clinical Nurse Specialist.
The Penny Brohn UK Centre www.pennybrohn.org.uk provides online resources, including a series of free online classes from international leaders in health, wellbeing, psychology and lifestyle. They are also running a Helpline 0303 300 0118 and some 1:1 services. Contact bookings@pennybrohn.org.uk.
Sherry is posting daily on The Living Tree Facebook page, with useful information and uplifting responses to this situation.
SINGING with Jane Silver-Corren
Jane is running 3 singing sessions a week on Zoom on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3.00pm. The sessions last one hour and are fun and light-hearted. If you are interested please email: janesilvercorren@gmail.com and she will send you the Zoom link.
STEPPING OUT www.steppingoutbridport.co.uk
It has been great to see so many of you at Stepping Out classes. Richard and Jo are running classes on Zoom on Monday and Friday mornings for Stepping Out participants. Please contact Jo on j.perfect@bridportleisure.com if you usually attend Stepping Out and haven’t already received the information about joining the classes. From September these classes may be live with social distancing measures in place.
TRIPUDIO www.tripudiomovement.co.uk
Friday meetings always start with Tripudio, a daily 15 minute lymphatic and cardiovascular exercise regime which can be done in your home, patio or the smallest garden. Karen Forrester-Jones is also offering online 30 minute Tripudio Flow sessions via Zoom. If Living Tree members are interested contact Karen at forresterjones.k@gmail.com for timings and links to the sessions.
In February we launched our new partnership with local complementary therapists with 10 therapists on our books and more in the pipeline. Members wishing to use these therapists through our partnership scheme were invited to apply for a therapist card which would entitle them to six sessions with a therapist of their choice from that list. Due to the current restrictions on our lives, only three of our therapists are able to offer their services to Living Tree members albeit not face to face, but by using email, telephone, or Zoom.
The three therapists are:
If you feel you would like to use these therapists during this period via the Therapist Partnership please leave a message for Rita on the Living Tree phone 07341 916976 or email: lttherapistpartnership@gmail.com. If you would prefer to see these therapists privately and are able to self-fund your therapy then please contact them directly using the contact details above.
AXMINSTER AND LYME CANCER SUPPORT – now have a beach hut at Lyme, Other Dorset support groups include C’SIDERS WEYMOUTH & PORTLAND CANCER GROUP, BUTTERFLIES CANCER SUPPORT Dorchester and STALBRIDGE CANCER & RECOVERY SUPPORT. Please contact these groups directly to find out about other kinds of support available. |