Friday 26th July – 2pm Carol Mattingley, local artist & author of “The Fisherman: Hidden Depths”, the story of her son’s leukemia journey, will join us.

Fridays in August – we plan to meet as usual for anyone who is around for informal chat, sharing and planning.

Sunday 4th August – 1.00pm onwards West Bay Day. We’ve been offered a space at this and help from local exercise practitioners to provide some “active” activity to help promote The Living Tree.

Sat/Sun 17/18th August – Carnival Procession, Torchlight Procession. We plan to provide some collectors at these processions, as we will be a beneficiary of the funds.

Looking ahead to September:

Sat/Sun 6/7th September – Bridport Hat Festival. Rising Voices West may get a singing slot.

Friday 13th September – 2pm Ros Fry from Cancer Research UK.

Friday 20th September – 2pm Creative Writing 1 with Rosie Jackson – contact us for details. These workshops are free as have been fully funded by Brit Valley Rotary.

Friday 11th October – 2pm Creative Writing 2 with Rosie Jackson.

Rising Voices West cancer choir meets Thursdays 3.00-4.00pm at The Front Room, 5 Downes Street, Bridport. Next dates: 25th July, 22nd August, and new members always welcome. Jane is also willing to sing 1:1 with anyone who feels this might boost their confidence and well-being.