10th January – 2.00pm Ellie Sturrock, CBT from Bridport Medical Centre on Mindfulness (re-scheduled from October). (Also in the morning, small group meeting with Caz at The Hive HQ to plan cookery workshop.)
17th January – 2.00pm Graham Pritchard, Project Coordinator at Dorset Cancer Advocacy.
24th January – 2.00pm AGM of The Living Tree, followed by tea and cake.
31st January – 1.45pm for 2-4pm Look Good, Feel Better Masterclass in Meeting Room. Contact Linda Loveridge or 01308 897428 to book a place. www.lookgoodfeelbetter.co.uk
7th February – 2.00pm Julia & Paul from The Garden Studio – aromatherapy sticks, Tripudio dance/flow, yoga.
14th February – 2.00pm Eileen Dearden, art/craft decorating hearts & learn embossing skills.
March – Rosie Jackson will run a third writing workshop for us, date to be confirmed.
Rising Voices West cancer choir meets Thursdays 3.00-4.00pm at The Front Room, 5 Downes Street, Bridport and monthly on Fridays at The Living Tree 12.45-1.45pm. Jan/Feb dates: 9/17/23 Jan, 6/14/27 Feb.
Cancer Info Cafe at Axminster Health & Wellbeing Centre – every Thursday 1.30-4pm. Day time Yoga For People Living With Cancer – contact Angela Shannon 01297 631943. Hanover House, Axminster, Devon, EX13 5DZ. Tel: 01297 32331 info@awarenesscentre.org.uk www.awarenesscentre.org.uk